Wednesday, May 23, 2012

December 4 & 6, 1996: Extreme Overload

Today, you get a double dosage of December entries!

December 4, 1996: I thought I better keep up before I forget to tell  you some important things. Yesterday and the night before I had been bonding with Jarod. We got alot of things settled and today be brought me [an] Alanis CD with a band-aid on it. I guess that's what he said he would bring to "heal" our friendship. Oh....Lyra broke up with [her boyfriend at the time]. I tried not to act too happy, but I was. Today started off a really good day, but I started feeling bad and hence became "Satanic Monica" bitch-whatever. I am so loaded-with homework, so I gotta jet before I go into extreme overload.

December 6, 1996: I just got back from seeing "Daylight" with Lyra. As we were leaving some guys recognized me as [my brother's] sister. Is that all that I am? [oh boy] Just kidding. [good] There's this 8th grader at Evans [Junior high] whose been coming on to me. Don't ask me. Just because he thinks I "sound" fine. Today I had to dress up for NJHS [National Junior Honor Society] Induction. I hated it. I'm just not a girl or something. Oh well. I gave my compliment for the day to Sam and he returned it very sweetly. He's so perfect. And he looked damn good today all dressed up. Oh [some word I cannot make out AT ALL]! Stop dreaming Monica! Jarod relapse! Sound alarm!

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