Thursday, May 17, 2012

Passing Letters: THE Letter of 1996

Ahhh, gone are the days of passing notes and handwritten letters. I feel like newer generations struggle just to write a paragraph without inserting abbreviated words or emoticons. In middle school, we wrote lots of handwritten letters all the time.Everyone bugged me to toss my letters, but I was adamant about keeping them. And I am so thankful that I did....because it is the best box of nostalgia that I have....well that and my box of mixed tapes. Go ahead, get jealous.

As you have learned, "Jarod" was the center of my world in 1996. And I treasured everything he said, wrote and gave to me--I didn't even care if it was degrading, or condescending, or absolutely confusing. Just the very fact that he thought of me at all made my heart flutter. What I am about to share with you is THE LETTER of 1996. This letter was written in two parts and delivered to me in a box of playing cards with only the Aces in it. Jarod was a bit obsessed with Jim Carrey and "Ace Ventura". My celebrity idol at the time was Alanis Morissette. I could not think of two more fitting personalities to describe him and I.

This letter would set the tone for what would continue to be a very unhealthy relationship between us for many many years. And here's why....


I am blank. I have nothing to say. I am so MAD at Christa. She ruins everything. And as far as my feelings toward what you said. [I said that I liked him.] I have felt the same way in the past. I thought we would be "perfect". We have so much in common. And well, to tell you the truth you are the closest I have come to my "dream girl". But I REALLY [double underlined!] like Bridgette. She might not be funny like all those other people, but she cares for me. Alot. I'm sure you would too, and hey who says we can't be friends. Maybe even more someday. But right now, "I'm hooked up." But don't give  up. I'll always try to be as good and as nice to you as I would be to my own girlfriend. Because Hey like I said, someday it could happen. You will always be a dream to me. 


P.S. Mortal Kombat rules, Alanis rules, Jim rules.

[written in very large letters along the left side of the paper: Don't Feel Bad. Please.]

Monica, Part II

I am so weird huh. That other note was how I feel. This one is just me wanting to talk to one really good friend. (And maybe in the future more but that's totally up to me and you when that time comes if it comes because I don't plan to break up with Bridgette soon and you might some one else but hey that's a long way away. ) As long as our friendship never breaks apart that's all that matters. Whether I am going out with some one or you are. We gotta be friends. So how are you. That's good. You been haveing fun with your tool? How 'bout that peanut butter? Yummy. Are you going on that lab trip? Not me. I can't. Bummer but hey it's ok. Oh, by the way I got one hand in my pocket and the other one is...oops, sorry that's personal. (Just joking) Well peace homme, g-dog, g cuz in the house mac-daddy



1.) He was absolutely never as good to me as he was to any of his four or five girlfriends he dated instead of me.

2.) Jarod never matured from this state of adolescent humor. He hid behind juvenile jokes and vague sentiments the entire time I knew him. Let's flash forward to the letter he wrote me at high school graduation:

Mo, I am going to go against the grain. Let's start over: 
Monica, Don't keep in touch, I hate you, and I always have. All our times have sucked. You suck. Leave me alone and forget you knew me. Bitch! Slut!
Kidding! No but really folks, it's been tough as hell. You and your "heme-pene" [Not explaining] Thanks for being my friend and my 1 true love. What a 6 years! Let's have 6 more, and kids!
Show me your balls!

3.) Mortal Kombat the video DOES rule. The movie does not. :)

4.) I've got one hand in my pocket and the other other is....thumbing through the rest of my middle school letters!

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